1. Education
Seoul National University
- Undergraduate Student (March 2020 – Present, Junior)
- Double Major in Department of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Current GPA: 4.24/4.3 (Until 2021 Summer)
2. Academic Interest
Control & Sensor engineering, AI/ML, SLAM
3. Experience
National Super Computing Youth Camp (July 2018)
- Learned basic python packages such as Numpy and Pandas.
- Built a Liunux cluster using Raspberry Pi. Learned parallel programming with MPI for Python.
- Carried out a project to calculate the image distorted by the black hole using parallel computing.
4. Project
Indoor positioning using ultrasonic sensors (December 2018 – February 2019)
- Developed a method to measure the distance between two ultrasonic sensors by modifying the HC-SR04.
- Calculated the position of the transmitting module in the room using 4 fixed receiving modules.
- Filtered the data Kalman filter. Calculated velocity and acceleration data using numerical differentiation.
Entering Korean Text using Electroencephalography and Deep Learning (September 2019 - February 2020)
- Won the Bronze Prize in the High school div. of Samsung Humantech Paper Award.
- Developed a model to detect P300 EEG peak using LDA(Linear Discriminant Analysis).
- Developed a model for estimating the imagine direction by receiving EEG data from the motor cortex.
- After preprocessing(STFT), use a classifier that connects CNN, stacked LSTM, and Autoencoder.
- Model evaluation using K-fold cross-validation.
I’m Something of a Painter Myself (January 2022 - )
- Kaggle competition.
- Generate Monet style arts using cycleGAN model.
5. Honors
- Hanseong Sonjaehan Scholarship (March 2019)
6. Technical Skills
- Language: Korean(Native), English(Intermediate)
- Program: Solidworks, Fusion 360, AutoCAD
- Programming languages: C, C++, Python